im体育APP offers advanced Immersion 超声检测 specifically for pipeline girth welds in the 石油 & 天然气工业.

Operators 和 pipeline contractors need absolute confidence in the accuracy 和 reliability of Automated 超声检测 (AUT). To ensure the future integrity of welds in oil 和 气体 pipelines, im体育APP offers advanced  Immersion 超声检测 (IUT) for the validation of the Probability of Detection  to minimize the risk of substantial repair 和 recovery costs. Our IUT services can help you to identify:
  • 破解
  • 夹杂物
  • Incomplete penetration
  • Lack of sidewall fusion
  • 孔隙度
  • Other weld strength defects

Our experts assist you in producing girth welds, using a st和ardized procedure for AUT validation applied globally across our network of laboratories.

IUT evaluation for the 石油 & 气体 industry is described in the DNVGL-ST-F101 和 DNVGL-RP-F118 st和ards. Applying the st和ard results in executing a double-sided scan including a critical evaluation of the data 和 the indications identified. Depending on the base 和 welding material, bevel design 和 application of CRAs, different material preparation 和 analysis principles are applied.



As there are numerous possibilities for applying IUT for girth weld inspection, im体育APP has developed a flexible procedure:

  • Requirement assessment 
  • 程序开发
  • 产品ion of dedicated calibration block, including sensitivity 和 calibration Flat Bottom Holes 
  • Pre-scanning of the material for method optimization (when required)
  • Scanning 和 reporting in accordance with the procedure

The IUT technique enhances the evaluation of the Probability of Detection (PoD) provided by AUT. Deliberately flawed seeded test welds are first examined by the AUT system under qualification, they are then inspected by IUT prior to physical sectioning for definitive confirmation of the size of the known flaws. The testing service is particularly relevant in identifying smaller defects 和 in clarifying clean areas because of the high accuracy robotics 和 controlled immersive testing environment. 



This unique service from im体育APP ultimately brings a range of benefits that allow pipeline contractors to achieve their goals with minimum economic output 和 maximum efficiency. With our advanced technology supports processes such as 焊接测试 和 焊接认证, 冶金测试, 失效分析, 腐蚀测试, 疲劳测试 和协商.

For more information about our Immersion 超声检测 services or to request a quote, im体育APP 今天.

Learn about our world-class ultrasonic 和 NDT testing capabilities at im体育APP Temple 关闭.

The Benefits of Immersion Ultrasonic 检查 of Composites 

Read the article to explore the benefits of two methods of ultrasonic inspection of composites: contact 和 immersion ultrasonic testing (IUT). 


White Paper: Ultrasonic Phased Array 测试

Ultrasonic testing (UT) is a non-destructive test method that utilizes sound waves to detect cracks 和 defects in parts 和 materials. This white paper provides an overview of the inspection method 和 the benefits toward material approval.


Keeping People, the Environment, 和 Assets Safe with Non-Destructive 测试

Non-destructive testing (NDT) is critical to ensure the infrastructure 和 assets that we use daily remain safe, learn more about the benefits of 焊接测试. im体育官方app下载


石油 & 气体测试服务

石油 & 气体

im体育APP's global platform of laboratories offers advanced services designed to test 和 qualify materials intended for use within the environments of the future.


Ultrasonic 检查 和 测试

im体育APP maintains full-service ultrasonic laboratories to offer in-house, 现场, 和 field inspections 和 certifications.

Corrosion under Insulation

Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) 测试

im体育APP supports clients to assist in evaluating solutions to try 和 mitigate corrosion under insulation (CUI).



Find out about im体育APPs range of coatings testing services designed to help to make certain that materials, products 和 pipelines we test for our customers are protected from corrosion, 紫外线, 渗水, 热, abrasion 和 chemicals.


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia 和 Africa are ready to help you.